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Protection Potion

Protection Potion

for spiritual and emotional protection


Protect yourself from negative energies and influences.


Protection is a handcrafted blend of Rosemary, Basil, Juniper Berry, Frankincense, Geranium, Black Pepper, Fennel, Cedarwood and Eucalyptus. It is infused with crystal vibrations and charged with the protective properties of Black Tourmaline.


These magical gifts from nature provide you with a deep sense of love and protection, helping you to overcome fears and restoring your confidence in the goodness of others and the world. Allow the protective properties to encircle you in a protective white light, giving you courage and security.

Apply to your pulse points to remove negative influences and gently create a protective barrier without attacking or constraining others.


Protection is an intricate perfume with great depth and herbaceous, floral tones.

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